The 5 Human Design Archetypes - The Fold Online

The 5 Human Design Archetypes

By Hannah Crerar
When you start living according to your Human Design, life tends to feel a lot less confusing and a lot more in flow.

Have you ever walked into a room and felt certain vibes? Maybe you have felt a tension in the air or perhaps you have been inexplicably drawn toward someone. There is always an energetic exchange going on in life. Human Design provides a snapshot of your Soul’s unique energy so that you can understand the specific vibes you bring to an environment and how you can optimise your energy so that you live your life with a sense of alignment.


There are 5 human design energy types.



Their energy is big, impactful and spontaneous. Nobody can predict the Manifestor’s next move. They are here to initiate, to light the match, and to lead their own endeavours. These people will start projects, movements and conversations based on their own internal urges. They should not be controlled or micro-managed. Freedom and periods of rest allow Manifestors to thrive. Their lesson is to confidently communicate with the people around them on their next move. They are here to be unapologetic as they create waves.


Their energy is warm and attractive when engaging in tasks that really light them up. A Generator has an incredible capacity to access life force and creativity inside when they are listening to their body’s gut signals. Their gut response is their best teacher. If they have leaky boundaries or pour their time and energy into things that don’t excite them physically, they will feel incredibly frustrated and drained. They must curate their lifestyle so they feel lit up. In this state, their energy is palpable and infectious. We need the Generator to get in touch with their own desires and to honour them.

Manifesting Generator

Their energy is fast-paced and buzzing. Manifesting Generators are our multi-passionate, multi-doers. They are here to play with life and show us how to colour outside the lines. Their job is to respond to what lights them up and say no to the rest. If they set off on one path or choose one relationship only to find they have quickly outgrown it, that is their cue to pivot, twist or jump ship. Their life is not going to be linear and predictable. They move fast and they have a lot on the go. Just because they are highly capable, they still need to ensure they are engaging in the tasks that bring them joy


Their energy is deeply penetrating and absorbed in what it sees. Projectors can oversee what is going on whether in a person, a business or a system. They are acutely gifted at spotting patterns, trends, and efficiencies. They know how to tweak and manoeuvre energy so that life runs smoothly. Their advice and guidance are precious and land best when others are open to it. When it comes to working, these people are designed to honour their resting periods. Rest and self-compassion can be one of the most rewarding and productive actions despite societal programming.


Their energy is very light and translucent. These people reflect the life they are in the middle of, whether it is their group of friends, workplace or home space. A Reflector’s health and well-being are an amplified version of their environment. They are here to sample, reflect and delight in life in all its facets. When it comes to making decisions they need to go slow, feel things out and chat with trusted confidants. They must ruthlessly curate their environment based on how they feel. When living aligned they have the greatest capacity to embody pure presence and non-attachment.

Exchange energy with others, trust your body's signals, make decisions, and manifest with ease...

To learn more about Human Design and identify your own energy type you can watch this Free Video Series here and if you want to dive deeper you can book a reading here.

During a personal Human Design reading, you learn how to best exchange energy with others, trust your body’s signals, make decisions, and manifest with ease. You also gain insight into your unique fears, desires, life lessons, motivations, intuitive gifts, relationship style, and more. When you start living according to your Human Design, life tends to feel a lot less confusing and a lot more in flow.

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