About The Fold

About The Fold

“On days I could not move it was women who came to water my feet, until I was strong enough to stand. It was women who nourished me back to life.”

Rupi Kaur

Let's Rewrite The Story

Shaping the future of women's wellness with guidance from those who have walked the same paths as you and dedicated many years to enriching their wisdom and practices.

Our offerings are a reflection of what we see lacking when we speak to women. Together, lets rewrite the story of educated, balanced and empowered women, in this world.

The Fold is devoted to your self discovery,

to surrender, strength, softness and to being a landing pad for women to feel less isolated and more supported in their own experiences of being a woman. We want you to feel safe, empowered and nourished in this online home we have created.

Movement And Musings For Women, From Women.

Health, Nutrition, Hormones, Cyclical living, Pre and PostNatal are just a handful of the themes that relate to living as a woman in this modern world.

We are here to explore how we can hold your hand as you walk through the many different seasons of your life.

Love notes from

Our Members

The Support Channels

Our Why

In a culture that tends toward isolation and accomplishment, Yoga practices are a timely reminder of the value of Unity and simply Being.

Supportive in all forms

We are here to tend to your physical, mental and emotional bodies with what we offer.

Real and relatable Teachers

The teachers of The Fold are embodied, knowledgeable, experienced and authentic women, passionate about their offerings for you and sincere in wanting to connect with you.

Building Community

Through live classes, webinars, workshops and retreats.

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