Janet Gooding

Janet Gooding

My hope is for you to love yourself where you are at and empower you to make the changes you want to live your most aligned and vibrant life.

Meet Janet

Yoga Teacher

Mom, Yogi, Teacher, Business Owner ~ I am a yoga teacher, retreat facilitator, and forever student. I love all things yoga and people and believe life is easier if you simply slow down.

As an 800hr Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher, I aim to lead classes that are inclusive, inventive and inspiring. You can expect alignment-based flows and nourishing yin practices infused with relatable wisdom from my experience as a yogi, teacher and now mama. And sometimes I dose out a bit of tough love! My hope is for you to love yourself where you are at and empower you to make the changes you want to live your most aligned and vibrant life.

When I’m not hanging out with my daughter Gigi and Labrador Tony, you can find me leading yoga retreats all over the world. From my love of yoga, people and travel, I co-founded Nectar, an international yoga retreats company. I love witnessing students rediscover their zest for life through travel and yoga. I can’t wait to connect with you on and off the mat!


My Extra Offerings

NECTAR Yoga Retreats

We offer escapes unlike any yoga ‘retreat’ Through informative practices and travel immersions, we guide students in rediscovering their curiosity and zest for life.

Classes By Janet

  • Janet Gooding
  • 40min

Annamaya Kosha Flow

This flow is an exploration of the physical body or annamaya kosha. We use movement to maintain a healthy vehicle and have a healthy relationship with our physical body. The annamaya kosha is also known as the food body as it is made form food and turns into food.

  • Janet Gooding
  • 60min

Breath Body Flow

This yoga flow is an exploration of the breath body or pranamaya kosha. This kosha is also know as the pranic body or energetic body. In this class we use the breath and our energy to tap into the subtleties of the body and feel a layer deeper.

  • Janet Gooding
  • 40min

Mental Body Flow

This yoga flow is an exploration of the mental body or manomaya kosha. We use movement, breath and repetition to move away from the reflexive mental chatter and soothe our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions.

  • Janet Gooding
  • 30min

Wisdom Body Flow

This vinyasa flow class explores your wisdom body or vinjanamaya kosha. This is our ability to connect to a deeper knowing and to see the bigger picture. We will play with inversions and work to develop a sense of confidence and trust.

  • Janet Gooding
  • 30min

Bliss Body Flow

This yoga flow explores the bliss body or anandamaya kosha. It's the aspect of ourselves that a sense of deep constant peace resides and our connection to all other beings. Enjoy this soothing, turning-inwards flow.

  • Janet Gooding
  • 40min

Stability Through Change

As our lives move through constant change, this is a class to find stability in those moments of transition. It's a strong class that will help you find your center and be at ease in a world of change.

  • Janet Gooding
  • 40min

Durga Goddess Flow

We embody Durga, the Goddess of strength, determination, protection, and wisdom to create our inner fortress. This strong and stable yoga practice invites you to dig deep to find an inner strength when the going gets tough.

  • Janet Gooding
  • 40min

Lakshmi Goddess Flow

In this flow we embody Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance, generosity, wealth and beauty. Life is a balance between giving and receiving and we first try to find those qualities within ourselves so we shine from the inside out.

  • Janet Gooding
  • 40min

Saraswati Goddess Flow

In this Vinyasa Flow, we embody Saraswati to ignite our inner creativity, hone our ability to focus and study, and tap back into the flow of life.

  • Janet Gooding
  • 40min

Flow For Resilience

This strong yoga flow is all about building resilience. Resilience is our capacity to withstand setbacks, adapt to change, and have the courage to take the next step forward into the unknown. In this class, we will focus on our foundation - strong standing postures to create a sense of grounding. When we build strength in confidence in our physical…

  • Janet Gooding
  • 20min

Yin For Mamas

This is a restorative practice to give the mamas a bit of self-love. We will work through a couple of supportive postures with props to bring you ease. This class is not about stretching but rather just a time to give back to yourself and find a moment of peace in all the chaos that motherhood brings. Note this is…

  • Janet Gooding
  • 10min

Flow For New Beginnings

This vinyasa practice is about embracing new beginnings and supporting you in keeping an open mind as you adapt to change. We will work through a short full body flow to clean out the cobwebs and self-doubt so you feel fresh, focused and ready for what's ahead.

  • Janet Gooding
  • 20min

Flow For Balance

This short flow focuses on finding grounding in balancing postures. Both physically and mentally, balance isn't something that just magically happens. It required constant work and refining. We will move slowly and focus on preparing the feet, legs and hips to find stability and steadiness as we move into warrior 3 and also embrace the wobbles as we go.

  • Janet Gooding
  • 20min

Short, Strong & Sweaty

This energising flow will help you feel ready and rearing to go. We will warm up the entire body in a short amount of time, with a focus on prepping for inversions. Expect some spicy shoulder and core strengtheners. Let's go!

  • Janet Gooding
  • 40min

Flow To Awaken The Spine

Let's wake up our spines! This alignment based flow will move the spine in all directions and slowly bring life into all the sticky areas of our back. We focus on twists and side bends in preparation for backbends. Yoga is a practice that wakes up all parts of ourselves and this is a practice to make you feel alive…

  • Janet Gooding
  • 30min

Yoga For Empowerment

This energising yoga flow is all about empowerment. This practice is a reminder to take up space and have confidence in who you are and your offering to the world. When you are your own unique self, you also empower others to shine their light. We will focus on finding power and balance in the legs and opening our hearts.…

  • Janet Gooding
  • 20min

Yin For Immunity

This is a yin class for immunity. The perfect class for when you feel a little under the weather or simply want to retreat to your safe space and create a sense of protection. We will focus on opening the lungs and chest to find more ease in our breathing. Grab your pillows, blankets, tissues and tea for this cosy,…

  • Janet Gooding
  • 20min

Yin For Everybody

This is a short and sweet yin class for everybody to bring calm to the end of your day. It's yin for when you don't even want to do yin, yin for those who've never done yin before and yin for when you just want to roll around on the floor. The entire class is done on your back. I…

  • Janet Gooding
  • 30min

Yoga for Radical Acceptance

This nourishing yoga flow is all about radical acceptance. This is our belief that we are exactly where we are supposed to be at this moment in life. We will focus on the hips and spine to release tension and find a sense of surrender in the body and mind. When we let go of expectations and control, we have…